MY Step Stones: the come back

Hello, my name is Rui and I have been away for 7 years, for no specific reason, but more for a collection of events in a complex scenario that I don't want to bother you with. I needed to step aside and so I did. The world changed a lot between then and now, not … Continue reading MY Step Stones: the come back

MS User voice

It is just what it sounds: a place where the end users can shout to the product group with feedback on products. The product group teams DO READ and consider the expressed opinions. Trust me, I know! You can search and read the already existing ideas, vote on them (up or down!) and add new … Continue reading MS User voice

Once again @ Seattle

Yep, its one of those times of the year, whena bunch of techies joint together to... talk about technology of cource. It's a big trip, but a unique chance to meet known faces. This year my focus will remain on Sharepoint and some related subjects.